「 Card Holder 01 」八角型式的簡約設計,外觀一層夾層,中間的開口夾層方便放置鈔票。
目前的 Card Holder 01 整體尺寸有「美金」與「新台幣」兩種適用的大小,如果您有興趣歡迎來信討論,可以製作符合您國家鈔票的尺寸。
「 Card Holder 01」A simple and elegant octagonal design, with one card slot on sides plus a space in the middle for money placement. The three slots can be used in many different ways according to user’s convenience. You may place two cards or one card plus some folded bills in one single slot for instance; just keep in mind that too many bills placed with one card in a single slot would make it harder to take out the card. Since the leather will become softer and adapt to the user after a time of use, cards would better fit to the slot and make the card holder more comfortable to use.
The external leather used is Japanese cordovan, while the internal money slot is made with the thinner Italian vegetable tanned leather. We are sure you will love this fine work and its great texture.
The「 Card Holder 01」is now designed to hold U.S. dollar bills, but it can be customized to any money bill size as you need. Please do not hesitate to email us if you have any question.
「 型號 」: CH01
「 大小 」: H80/W110/D5 mm for Taiwan dollar Bills
「 大小 」: H77/W110/D5 mm for U.S. dollar bills.
「 規格 」: 2層夾層
「 材質 」:馬臀皮、義大利植鞣革
「 馬臀皮 」: 黑色 (Black) / 焦茶 (Antique) / 本色(Nature)
「 義大利植鞣革 」: 黑色 (Black) / 摩卡咖 (Brown) / 本色(Nature)
「 產地 」: Handmade in Taiwan
「 時間 」: 14 工作天
「 麻線 」: 白 White、黑 Black、咖啡色 Brown
目前的 Card Holder 01 整體尺寸有「美金」與「新台幣」兩種適用的大小,如果您有興趣歡迎來信討論,可以製作符合您國家鈔票的尺寸。
「 Card Holder 01」A simple and elegant octagonal design, with one card slot on sides plus a space in the middle for money placement. The three slots can be used in many different ways according to user’s convenience. You may place two cards or one card plus some folded bills in one single slot for instance; just keep in mind that too many bills placed with one card in a single slot would make it harder to take out the card. Since the leather will become softer and adapt to the user after a time of use, cards would better fit to the slot and make the card holder more comfortable to use.
The external leather used is Japanese cordovan, while the internal money slot is made with the thinner Italian vegetable tanned leather. We are sure you will love this fine work and its great texture.
The「 Card Holder 01」is now designed to hold U.S. dollar bills, but it can be customized to any money bill size as you need. Please do not hesitate to email us if you have any question.
「 型號 」: CH01
「 大小 」: H80/W110/D5 mm for Taiwan dollar Bills
「 大小 」: H77/W110/D5 mm for U.S. dollar bills.
「 規格 」: 2層夾層
「 材質 」:馬臀皮、義大利植鞣革
「 馬臀皮 」: 黑色 (Black) / 焦茶 (Antique) / 本色(Nature)
「 義大利植鞣革 」: 黑色 (Black) / 摩卡咖 (Brown) / 本色(Nature)
「 產地 」: Handmade in Taiwan
「 時間 」: 14 工作天
「 麻線 」: 白 White、黑 Black、咖啡色 Brown
CH01 - Cordovan 馬臀皮 Antique / 義大利植鞣革 Brown
( 縫線顏色 Thread Color:白色 White、咖啡 Brown )
CH01 - Cordovan 馬臀皮 Black / 義大利植鞣革 Black
( 縫線顏色 Thread Color:白色 White、黑色 Black )
CH01 - Cordovan 馬臀皮 Nature / 義大利植鞣革 Nature
( 縫線顏色 Thread Color:白色 White、咖啡 Brown )
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