2011 -
任職於台灣皮革公司,學習各式皮料的差異性 ( 部位、彈性、油脂飽和度 )。
2012 -
成立 MILDY HANDS 皮件工作室,作為全職工作努力奮鬥。
2013 -
本身對製做任何手工製品的職人都充滿了敬意,因此決定每年都將會到世界各地拜訪這些令人尊敬的職人,擴大自己的視野及想法。2014 -
MILDY HANDS is a leather Design workshop. The designer established this handmade brand to showing his passion and creative idea in leathercraft design. The design motivation aims at showing everyone the sense of “implicit but not arid.” All the leather accessories are handmade by the designer, every strings, every sewings. Simplicity, is still the main concept in Mildy Hands product. Practicability and solidity are important too. The designer involved his soul in making leather, hoping that people can feel his passion and love in leathercraft, and also anticipating to bring more emphasis and notice on leathercraft design.
The designer of Mildy hands tires to promote all kinds of leathercraft accessories, and hopes that the users of leathercraft can create their own LEATHER STYLE!
MILDY HANDS 的設計理念即是將內斂的美感帶給大家,我喜歡手縫的皮製品,親手縫製的每一針每一線,都代表著我的靈魂,那是最直接讓人感受到創作者的『用心』與『溫度』!
簡約的設計方向更是能增加使用上的持久性,用越久越值得把玩,製作屬於 MILDY HANDS 的皮件讓我樂此不彼指望手工製品能越來越受到大眾的重視,也期盼著使用者能將皮件使用到淋漓盡致養出屬於自己的味道!
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